Step 1 ✅
Now to the second step!

Step 1 of digitalization, industry 4.0, retrofit, ... taken?
Step 2: Discussion of the solution(s)
Colleagues are working on a solution


We will contact you and arrange a non-binding appointment to
discuss the solution(s).

Other problems? Bring them into the conversation as well!

We will find a solution!

Highlights missed or not enough time?

The most important things at a glance.

Codabix v2.0

Data processing of TODAY

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Unlimited and free.

Fully automatic and fast.

Transparent and clear.

New ways in production start with Codabix,
the path to manufacturing data.

Smart Factory Development

Industry of TODAY

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.NET Platforms

.NET Framework 4.6+
.NET Standard 2.0+
.NET Core 3.1+
.NET 5.0+
.NET 6.0+

Icon for "NuGet Packages".
NuGet Packages

9.000+ Downloads
10.000+ Downloads
200.000+ Downloads

Icon for "GitHub Samples".
GitHub Samples

C# (CSharp), VB.NET & C++/CLI
Client and Server
Functional Examples
Generic Solutions for Customers

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Less work and more time.

More automatisms and less errors.

Less learning and more results.


Development Kits for communication with different
participants in industrial automation technology.

The visit was too short / small?

Make an appointment now.

Problems are challenges that we are glad to face with you.

Arrange a solution meeting now!

We will contact you shortly.

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